Duration: 30 minutes

The feet have a direct and intense relationship with the rest of the body, through various nerve endings. So, after an exhausting day, it is recommended to relax them with a Warm Foot-Bath. In the Spaço Mais, therapeutic oils, herbs, and flowers are used. This technique has numerous health benefits, including reducing muscle aches, headaches, improving blood circulation, decreasing fluid accumulation, relieving tension, and irritability. Well-being starts at the feet and runs through the entire body, promoting relaxation and restoring energy balance.

Indication: stress, tension, nervousness, muscle pain, headache, tiredness, circulation problems and to promote relaxation.

Duration: 30 minutes

Through specific points on the feet, it is possible to promote relaxation of the body, as this region contains a series of nerve endings that connect to all organs. Thus, Podal Reflexology is a massage that acts only on the feet, intending to relieve tension, improving the functioning of the body, blood circulation, eliminating toxins, stimulating the immune system, and correcting body dysfunctions, for example, promoting total well-being. Each point of the foot is directly related to each organ of the body, so the technique consists of identifying these points, pressing and stimulating them, to balance the organism. After a few minutes, the patient already feels the relaxation, harmony, and revitalizing effect.

Indication: stress, tension, anxiety, depression, migraine, and insomnia.

Duration: 30 minutes

The human brain is directly linked to all emotions in the body, so it is essential in the healing process. Sacro Cranial reflexology is a holistic therapy that aims to help the individual as a whole, promoting the body’s own healing capacity, by reducing stress and allowing deep relaxation.
During the procedure, the patient enters a deep state of relaxation, assisting the recovery mechanisms. This therapy is indicated after accidents or traumas of any nature, as it promotes the body’s self-healing ability and improves any blockage.

Indication: physical, mental, and emotional trauma.

Duration: 30 minutes

Dorsal Massage is the classic massage, with touches on the back region, massaging all points of the cervical, trapezius, and lumbar spine, allowing the patient to deeply relax. Vegetable oils or creams may be used in a calm environment with low lights and a pleasant temperature, the therapist applies pressure, from mild to moderate, to reach all the tensions in the body. The technique activates blood circulation and relieves pain in the cervical and lumbar regions, providing muscle relaxation and well-being. After a tiring day, this massage is ideal to eliminate tiredness and stress that travel through the body.

Indication: stress, tiredness, tension, and others.

Duration: 30 minutes

Originated in China, Thailand, and India, Pinda Sweda is widely used in oriental therapies, to promote instant relaxation and a connection with the soul. During the therapeutic massage, bundles of aromatic herbs are placed over the body, which is moistened in heated vegetable oils – each chosen essence is suitable for the patient. The warmth and benefits of the herbs travel throughout the body, restoring energy balance and providing a sense of peace and harmony. This treatment tones the muscles and is also nutritious for the body (leaves the skin soft and shiny), being a great choice to treat back pain and joint pain, releasing toxins and stimulating blood circulation. The result is complete relaxation and improved functioning of the senses.

Indication: stress, diseases in the nervous system, body pain, joint pain, difficulty in movement, and others.

Duration: 1 hour

Relaxing Massage goes far beyond physical well-being, as it also promotes emotional balance. In a room with ambient temperature and lighting, and aromas that stimulate comfort and tranquility, the therapy consists of making movements, firm and smooth, over the entire body, intending to promote deep relaxation – muscular and mental. Through essential oils, it is possible to combat stress and anxiety, eliminating toxins and increasing blood circulation and oxygenation of cells, being the ideal technique when there are signs of exhaustion. The massage also tones the muscles and hydrates the skin, leaving it softer and shinier. Soon after, all the body’s energies are discharged and the patient feels refreshed and ready for another day.

Indication: stress, anxiety, tiredness, insomnia, tension, demotivation, and others.

Duration: 1 hour

Arms, legs, abdomen … Each region of the body needs an adequate movement of the Lymphatic Drainage Massage. Applying hand pressure, this technique works the entire lymphatic system, reducing swelling in the body and eliminating toxins. During the procedure, each part is slowly stimulated so that the lymph, which is accumulated between the cells, is returned to the circulation until it reaches the lymph nodes, being filtered – part is absorbed as a nutrient and the other is eliminated. The main function of lymphatic drainage is to accelerate the process of removing fluids and metabolic waste, detoxifying the body, but it is also possible to see an improvement in cellulite and acting against anxiety. Once performed, the patient feels a deep state of relaxation and lightness.

Indication: stress, anxiety, fluid retention, swelling in the body, premenstrual tension, and others.

Duration: 1 hour

When the body is swollen or there is an accumulation of localized fat, the Modeling Massage can help, acting in the more concentrated regions. The technique reaches the deep layers of the skin, through continuous movements, using pressure and firmness in the hands and creams and specific products, to obtain better results. The treatment increases body temperature, improving blood circulation and accelerating cellular metabolism, focusing the massage where there is a greater amount of fat, such as abdomen and breeches, for example. The procedure has numerous health benefits. In addition to shaping and defining body contours, reducing measures – by helping to eliminate localized fat – and fighting cellulite, it also promotes muscle toning, decreases fluid retention and swelling in the body, eliminates toxins and dead cells, and improves the intestine. During treatment, aerobic physical activity and drinking lots of water can enhance the final effect.

Indication: swelling in the body, fluid retention, cellulite, localized fat, and others.

Duration: 1 hour / 1 hour and 30 minutes

The Modeling Drain Massage combines the techniques of the Lymphatic Drainage Massage with those of Modeling Massage, which main objectives are, filtering the lymph and eliminating fluid retention, consequently decreasing the body measurements. This treatment concentrates the regions where there is a greater accumulation of fat, to stimulate the lymph so that it is returned to the bloodstream and filtered by the lymph nodes and, thus, eliminates toxins and fluid retention, decreasing body swelling. The two procedures, when performed together, define the contour of the curves and promote body detoxification, helping the entire lymphatic system. Throughout the sessions, softer and shinier skin will be noticed.

Indication: stress, anxiety, fluid retention, localized fat, cellulite, swelling in the body, premenstrual tension, and others.

Duration: 1 hour / 1 hour and 30 minutes

The experience begins when you walk through the door. Comfortable and cozy environment, with lights and aromas running through the room. The Hot Stones massage explores all five senses, bringing the patient into a deep state of relaxation. The technique uses the combination of massage therapy with thermotherapy (performed with temperature changes), applying volcanic stones of different shapes and sizes, aiming to involve each part of the body. Through essential oils and gentle movements, it can help in the improvement of respiratory problems, fight depression, anxiety and stress, providing complete well-being. The stones have magnesium and iron silicate in their composition, thus, they are excellent conductors of temperature. Heat, the main ingredient, makes the deepest muscle fibers easier to reach, relaxing the patient and relieving all of his pain and tension.

Indication: stress, depression, anxiety, breathing problems, muscle pain, premenstrual tension, and others.

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