Objective: to smooth the expression marks, filling certain regions of the face.

Over time, the skin becomes more and more flabby and the production of collagen decreases – as does the production and quality of Hyaluronic Acid. This product is a polymer produced by the human organism itself, i.e., a natural moisturizer (there is no rejection) that is used to reestablish the patient facial contours and volumes, making the face more harmonious.

At the consultation, the doctor evaluates the facial anatomy and all its structures to identify the points that will require intervention. Hyaluronic Acid aims to hydrate and support the skin, filling certain regions of the face. It is responsible for smoothing the depth and expression marks, such as wrinkles; lighten and correct the depth of dark circles; disguise fat bags and grooves; to provide a greater volume to the lips; also, it can improve the contour of the nose, chin, and other regions, depending on the expectations of each patient.

Care after the application: results are almost immediate, there is the attraction of water molecules by Hyaluronic Acid thus, shaping occurs over time.

Result: duration of up to 1 ½ years.

Objective: to soften the imperfections of the face.

Eventual complications from previous surgeries, scars, or even the presence of deep acne scars leave the skin with undesirable marks. To help improve the appearance of the skin, Dermabrasion aims to smooth out these irregularities by removing the surface layer of the region through controlled surgical scraping. Scraping smoothes superficial wrinkles and renews the skin, leaving it smoother and softer.

The procedure can be performed on the entire face or in a specific region. Through local anesthesia, with a sedative to relax, or general anesthesia in more severe cases, the procedure can take between a few minutes and 1 hour, according to each case. During treatment, the surgeon uses a high-speed pen with sandpaper attached to a motorized handle to scrape the surface layer of the skin. The technique is repeated until the expected result is achieved and the scars are less visible. It is often indicated in the treatment of perioral wrinkles, the famous “barcode”.

Before and after the procedure it is recommended to quit smoking, as smoking reduces blood circulation in the skin and prevents healing. Right after the treatment, it is normal to feel discomfort in the area, for this matter, the doctor prescribes medications and ointments to relieve the pain on those days. It is also important to avoid sun exposure for a few months until the skin heals. The final results take time to appear completely, however, when following the guidelines, the swelling and redness will decrease, the formed crust will fall and the skin will conquer a natural aspect. Returning to work is in about two weeks, always with the use of sunscreen and moisturizers.

Result: improved skin quality.

Objective: to soften expression lines.

Throughout life, the body expresses itself in infinite ways – including the face region, as it is responsible for showing emotions. Due to this factor, aging and even genetics, constant muscle contractions generate some expression marks on the skin, better known as wrinkles. Since the 1980s, Botulinum Toxin has been the most indicated to rejuvenate the face and soften these points. The correct use minimizes wrinkles, such as crow’s feet, peribuccal, neck and bosom, lines on the forehead, elevation and creases between the eyebrows, gingival smile, nasal region and is also used to treat excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). Its goal is to make the region smoother, bringing back joviality.

The application of Botulinum Toxin, type A, and type B, is performed at specific points among the 43 facial muscles. Through small doses and an extra-fine needle, this pure substance – derived from a bacterium – blocks the release of acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter responsible for carrying electrical messages from the brain to the muscles), which is responsible for temporarily paralyzing the muscles of that region, preventing the electrical impulse, while softening the location. At the same time, the toxin occupies neuromuscular receptors, preventing muscle contraction.

The procedure is quick, takes about 30 minutes at most, with the use of an anesthetic cream before applying the toxin. After that, an ice pack is applied to ease the discomfort.

Once done, it is common to experience redness and some purple spots, which disappear in a few days. Right after the application, medical advice is to not massage the treated area neither to play sports nor to lie on top of the region to rest.

Regarding the results, they appear after two or three days, and the final effect in two weeks, when we reevaluate. Even with the application of botulinum toxin, it is important to take care of the skin’s health to prevent aging: through the use of sunscreen and a good diet, for example. The procedure can be repeated according to the patient’s needs.

Result: duration between 4 and 8 months, with an average of 6 months.

Objective: to improve skin texture, restoring its tone, shine, and softness.

Aging, sun exposure, and even acne can result in spotty, uneven, and dull skin. To recover the skin, making its texture smoother and softener, many people resort to Peeling. The technique consists of using a chemical solution to remove the damaged skin layers, softening the area, and returning its natural shine – although usually indicated for the face, it is also performed on the hands and neck. Treatment includes acne, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, irregular pigmentation, blemishes, and dryness. This procedure varies according to each patient and can be divided into Superficial Peeling, Medium Peeling, and Deep Peeling.

Superficial: indicated for irregular pigment, dryness, acne, and superficial wrinkles. Through a light exfoliation, the outer layer of the skin (epidermis) is removed. Since it is a light exfoliation, the superficial peeling can be repeated every week until the desired results are achieved. During the procedure, the doctor applies the chemical solution to the skin – containing a combination of acids: alpha hydroxides and beta hydroxides, such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, and maleic acid – allowing it to act for 10 minutes, then the solution is removed. Redness, burning, and skin irritation are common, but these symptoms disappear along with the sessions.

Medium: suitable for acne scars, deeper wrinkles, and skin blemishes. In this procedure, the use of trichloroacetic acid, often combined with glycolic acid, removes the outer layer (epidermis) and the middle layer of the skin (dermis). To make the region smoother, the doctor applies the chemical solution, allowing it to act for a few minutes, which, soon after, is neutralized with cold saline compresses. In the days after performing the Medium Peeling, the skin may be red or darken, but the result appears in up to six weeks. It can be done every 6 to 12 months.

Deep: suitable for deep scars and wrinkles, sun-damaged skin, blemished areas, and precancerous lesions. Through a stronger product, phenol, the solution penetrates the lower layer of the skin (dermis) – if there is discomfort, there may be a need for a local anesthetic. During the procedure, the doctor lets the product act on the spot, remaining from 30 minutes to 2 hours, according to each patient, and, soon after, it is neutralized with water. Then, the skin needs to rest for about 1 hour, and petroleum jelly is applied over the crusts that form – remaining in place for up to two days. The return to activities, including work, occurs after two weeks.

Result: the duration of Phenol Peeling is permanent, new wrinkles may appear, due to aging, whereas TCA Peeling is temporary.

Objective: to improve the appearance of the skin, stimulating the production of collagen.

Indicated to treat acne scars, stretch marks, flaccidity, baldness, and melasma on the face, Microneedling is chosen to improve the appearance of the skin and minimize these irregularities. As a result of aging and even sun exposure, the skin becomes flabby and with some spots. Therefore, it is necessary to combat these wrinkles and promote the natural rejuvenation of the treated area, focusing on the texture, tone, and aspect of the skin.

Before starting the procedure, the doctor applies an anesthetic cream to reduce any discomfort. Soon after, some small and very fine metallic needles are used, which pierce the skin, to stimulate new collagen fibers and other natural fibers of the region. For the treatment of alopecia, Microneedling causes the needles to penetrate the scalp and stimulate the growth of the threads. The technique is localized and the result is seen after a few sessions. The patient can return to normal activities in a few days.

Result: Improved skin quality or alopecia, according to the patient’s characteristics.

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